Thursday, May 26, 2005

Liverpool victory parade, Monday's weather, curry chicking dinner

I am glad I am not in Liverpool today. Just look at these screen captures from BBC News 24 of the mad victory parade currently under way.

BBC News 24

Liverpool fans

Liverpool fans

BBC News 24


Just when I thought the weather would be getting better and a long bank holiday weekend of warm sunny weather beckons on this tiny island this chum decided to announce Monday's weather. Thank you very much. And look at his red tie (and his grin). Another bloody scouser me thinks.

Grinning weatherman


I was at my grand aunt's place near Wembley yesterday and we had this lovely chicken curry she cooked. No milk of any kind was added so it wasn't as thick or sweet as some would hope for but it was still fab.

There were only the three of us. The third was a middle age Anglo-Indonesian. Try to imagine me, a twenty something having dinner with some gossipy old ladies over the Champions League match! But it was a fun night and I did learn some nice gossips.



Okay, my last post update before I sign off the Interweb.

We often wonder why cases are often thrown out because of mere technicality, well here is a magistrate's reasoning on the matter. Middle England might not like it but I do agree with the Bystander. The CPS has all the chance it has to prove the guilt of a man, so they should do it right - and by the law.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That curry sure looks nice. yummy.